붉은 재킷과 smokey eyes 猩紅夾克和煙燻妝容
不更 接ki瓜 smokey eyes
한 잔을 들이켜 痛飲一杯入喉
和 加呢 dri kyo
거칠게 날린 머리 style 張揚的發型 風格
勾七給 乃林 某立 style
다른 빛을 띠어 散發與眾不同的光芒
他冷 彼此 踢偶
Need to tell you something, babe
Need to tell you something, babe
자연스러운 내 play 我這自然而然的行動
洽永私嘍問 內 play
Ooh, we're here to get in
낯선 어디를 가도 不論前往什麽陌生所在'
那送 no低 卡豆
Walk my way
나 아닌 척할 바엔 與其偽裝 掩飾真實的自己
那 阿您 秋開 八en
Gonna lose myself
뒤섞인 빛들은 gray 混雜交織的光 是暗淡的灰
dwi搜kin 比的冷 gray
자유롭게 난 forever 無拘無束 我如此到永遠
洽you嘍給 南 forever
독하게 더 깊이 빠져 狠下心 沈淪深陷其中
豆卡給 偷 gi皮 八就
Now, I want to dance all night
All night, we dance 'til the morning
All night, we up all night
All night, we dance 'til the morning
All night, we dance 'til the morning
All night, we up all night
All night, we dance 'til the morning
Never give you my number
마음껏 지껄여 더 rumors 流言蜚語 隨便你怎麽說
慢勾 及勾留 豆 rumors
나와는 맞지 않는 type 與我毫不契合的類型
那完 嗎及 阿能 type
Without me, you're nothing
스며들지 넌 더 你越發滲入我心
私myo的及 弄 偷
꾸밈없는 몸짓에 沒有絲毫掩飾的舉止
古米某能 盟及誰
자연스러운 내 play 我這自然而然的行動
洽永私嘍問 內 play
Ooh, we're here to get in
낯선 어디를 가도 不論前往什麽陌生所在'
那送 no低 嘎豆
Walk my way
나 아닌 척할 바엔 與其偽裝 掩飾真實的自己
那 阿您 秋開 八en
Gonna lose myself
뒤섞인 빛들은 gray 混雜交織的光 是暗淡的灰
dwi搜kin 比的冷 gray
자유롭게 난 forever 無拘無束 我如此到永遠
洽you嘍給 南 forever
독하게 더 깊이 빠져 狠下心 沈淪深陷其中
豆卡給 偷 gi皮 八就
Now, I want to dance all night
All night, we dance 'til the morning
All night, we up all night
All night, we dance 'til the morning
All night, we dance 'til the morning
All night, we up all night
All night, we dance 'til the morning
All night, we dance 'til the morning
All night, we up all night
All night, we dance 'til the morning
All night, we dance 'til the morning
All night, we up all night
All night, we dance 'til the morning
All night, we dance 'til the morning
All night, we up all night
All night, we dance 'til the morning
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