
G-DRAGON (지드래곤) – HOME SWEET HOME Lyrics | Genius Lyrics






You say it's changed

Show must go on, behave

오랜만에 옛 노래해 時隔良久 唱起老歌

偶lane嗎內  耶  no雷黑

I'm feelin' like I never left

That's right, I never left


But you ain't know (Uh), it's okay

Then lights, camera, act like you know (Woo)

Don't play on me, no, we're Airbnb, you're "home-less"

혼비백산-해진-미-장센 [Mise-en-scène] 魂飛魄散-破碎-場面-調度

洪比北三  內今  米  將sen

도레미파시도, now you know it

Do Re Mi Fa Si Do, now you know it



두껍아 두껍아 came with the troops 蟾蜍 蟾蜍 跟緊隊伍

度勾八  度勾八  came with the troops 

뜯고 맛보고 즐기고 big bang when I shoot 大口撕咬 盡情品嘗享受 我的一舉一動 都無比轟動

的勾  嗎bo勾  子gi勾  big bang when I shoot

King in the zoo, he gotta do what I do

1 of 1, not of them (Mirror)

Man in the views aimin' at you

Yeah, I'm aimin' at a man, and amen, achoo (Achoo)

Bless you all, cleaned house, foo—



Golden days are still alive

외롭다는 말하지 마 別再說我很孤獨這種話了

為嘍但  買哈及  嗎

내가 있는 곳, 네가 있을 곳 有我在的地方 就是你的棲身之所

內嘎  引能  勾  你嘎  以私  勾

The place that I belong




Homе sweet home

Home sick home



Wеll, I said, I would be back

And I'd never let you go

Pick a petal off a flower

Daze, you love me, nope?

Well, I said, I would be back

And I'd never let you go

Pick a petal off a flower

Do you love me or (Stop)




Winner, winner, chicken killer, 삼계탕 dinner 我是勝利的代名詞 風靡萬千 晚餐喝的是參雞湯

Winner, winner, chicken killer,  三給堂  dinner 

하나 둘 set down (one-two, step) 一個 二個 全都給我記住

哈那  度  set down (one-two, step)

Fantastic한 팀워크 無與倫比的團隊合作

Fantastic看  team work

Not mini, 많이 more, rock, scissors, paper, toast 不是微不足道 而是不勝枚舉的輝煌

Not mini,  嗎你  more, rock, scissors, paper, toast

Yeah, this is how we do it, just do it, let's do it y'all


Work, work 월화수목금토- 일 一直辛勤工作 星期一二三四五六 日

Work, work  我花蘇某更偷  以

They gon' wait till I'm gone

So I came, I saw, I won

"G just D", word is my bond

나 무대로 올라, coup d'e shit 我登上舞台 震撼全場

那  木dae嘍  我拉  coup d'e shit

단숨에 호흡곤란, hook catch this 一瞬間呼吸困難 為這節奏無法自拔

單蘇每  厚供藍  hook catch this

아 ‘무제’ 도 몰라? Bull as shit 啊 居然連'無題' 都不知道嗎 真是會胡說

阿  木接  豆  某拉  Bull as shit

Whatever, now or never



Golden days are still alive

외롭다는 말하지 마 別再說我很孤獨這種話了

為嘍但  買拉及  嗎

내가 있는 곳, 네가 있을 곳 有我在的地方 就是你的棲身之所

內嘎  引能  勾  你嘎  以私  勾

The place that I belong




Home sweet home

Home sick home



Well, I said, I would be back

And I'd never let you go

Pick a petal off a flower

Daze, you love me, nope?

Well, I said, I would be back

And I'd never let you go

Pick a petal off a flower

Do you love me or (Stop)




We alike, dead or alive

Your life? Still life

It's so nice, I missed you a lot

You're welcome back home, wherever you are

We alike, dead or alive

Your life is still with me, livin' good life

Day or night, the highlight

It's about time to rock on




Home sweet home

Home sick home



Well, I said, I would be back

And I'd never let you go

Pick a petal off a flower

Daze, you love me, nope?

Well, I said, I would be back

And I'd never let you go

Pick a petal off a flower

Do you love me or (Stop)





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