Baggy jeans에 걸쳐 휙 寬鬆的牛仔褲套在身上
Baggy jeans些 kore秋 whik
I take it off, 숨을 조인 dress 대신 比起阻礙我呼吸的裙子
I take it off, 蘇麼 就引 dress dae心
Pink hoodie, ayy, oh
Pink hoodie, ayy, oh
나를 얽매는 tie (Tie) 束縛我的領帶
那了 嘍每能 tie (Tie)
가뿐히 풀어헤쳐 brand new start (Mm-mm) 輕鬆地解開 全新的開始
嘎不你 鋪嘍黑就 brand new start (Mm-mm)
안 통해 내겐 little black dress, 다 벗어둘래 對我可行不通 我要全部脫掉
安 通黑 內gane little black dress, 大 bo搜度雷
I'm blessed and I'm chilling, 남 신경은 안 쓸래 不在意別人的目光
I'm blessed and I'm chilling, 南 心gyong恩 南 私雷
I'ma give you my, my, my, my best show
Le-le-let's go, 다른 태도 別具一格的態度
Le-le-let's go, 他冷 tae豆
머리부터 to the toe, 좀 새로운 감각, yeah 從頭到腳 是煥然一新的感覺
某立不偷 to the toe, 冏 誰嘍問 感嘎 yeah
다 놀라, yeah 所有人都感到驚訝
他 no拉 yeah
가득 채운 confidence 渾身充滿的自信
卡的 切問 confidence
아마도 남들 눈엔 unbalance 但看在別人眼裡可能並不搭
阿嗎豆 南的 no nane unbalance
Going high, yeah, yeah, yeah
신경을 안 쓰지, ah-ooh 我毫不在意
心gyong呃 安 私及 ah-ooh
Baggy jeans에 걸쳐 휙 寬鬆的牛仔褲套在身上
Baggy jeans些 gore秋 whik
I take it off, 숨을 조인 dress 대신 比起阻礙我呼吸的裙子
I take it off, 蘇麼 就引 dress dae心
Pink hoodie, ayy, oh
Pink hoodie, ayy, oh
T-P-O는 not my biz 從不在意搭配原則
T-P-O能 not my biz
I mix it up, 끌어올린 zipper zip 隨意混搭 拉上拉鏈
I mix it up, 個嘍偶林 zipper zip
Pink hoodie, ayy, oh
Pink hoodie, ayy, oh
터트려 burn it 一舉引爆 燃燒殆盡
偷特留 burn it
이 뒤에 감춰둔 claw 隱藏在背後的利爪
以 dwi欸 感戳doon claw
온 시선들을 grab it 吸引所有的目光
翁 西送的了 grab it
I'm wearing my new clothes
I'ma give you my, my, my, my passion
Le-le-let's go, 너를 당겨 將你牽引
Le-le-let's go, no了 當gyo
불을 붙여 bucklе up, 좀 다칠지 몰라, yeah (Yeah, yeah, yеah) 點燃火焰 可能會受傷
不了 不tyo bucklе up, 冏 大七及 某拉 yeah (Yeah, yeah, yеah)
모두를 홀릴 appearance 將所有人迷惑的外表
某度 厚立 appearance
볼수록 빠져들 걸 fabulous 越看越沈浸其中 非同反響
bore蘇嘍 八就的 gore fabulous
Warning, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's an emergency, ah-ooh
Baggy jeans에 걸쳐 휙 寬鬆的牛仔褲套在身上
Baggy jeans些 kore秋 whik
I take it off, 숨을 조인 dress 대신 比起阻礙我呼吸的裙子
I take it off, 蘇麼 就引 dress dae心
Pink hoodie, (Pink hoodie) ayy, oh
Pink hoodie, (Pink hoodie) ayy, oh
T-P-O는 not my biz 從不在意搭配原則
T-P-O能 not my biz
I mix it up, 끌어올린 zipper zip 隨意混搭 拉上拉鏈
I mix it up, 個嘍偶林 zipper zip
Pink hoodie, (Pink hoodie) ayy, oh
Pink hoodie, (Pink hoodie) ayy, oh
See me now
끝없이 변해갈 나 我會無止境地變換
個豆西 pyo內改 那
무너지는 borderline 分崩離析的邊界線
木no及能 borderline
벗어나 stereotype 就此擺脫刻板印象
bo搜那 stereotype
쏟아지는 headline 紛至沓來的新聞偷條
搜大及能 headline
그 소란마저 좋아 甚至喜歡這份喧囂
可 搜藍嗎就 秋阿
I like myself better like this
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Magazine을 채울 me 我出現在各大雜誌版面
Magazine呢 切五 me
Just pick it up, 줄을 세워, just buy this (Woah) 排好隊 直接買下
Just pick it up, 主了 誰我 just buy this (Woah)
Pink hoodie, (Pink hoodie) ayy, oh
Pink hoodie, (Pink hoodie) ayy, oh (Oh, yeah)
Steady, classic 대신 freak 比起沈穩和典雅 更喜歡特立獨行
Steady, classic dae心 freak
I mix it up, 새로 써내 I'm that thing 重新書寫 我是獨一無二的存在
I mix it up, 誰嘍 搜內 I'm that thing
Pink hoodie, (Pink hoodie) ayy, oh
Pink hoodie, (Pink hoodie) ayy, oh
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