
G)I-DLE – LOVE Lyrics | Genius Lyrics







Wanna live my life like yesterday

多想一如昨日 縱享快意人生

Never feeling do-o-own


Never feeling do-o-o-own




Woke up in another new day

醒來 又是嶄新一天

Something has changed, don't feel the same

已有所轉變 深感不同以往

Alone hearing voices in my head

獨自一人 傾聽腦中聲音

Thought that I had it all but it feels like nobody cares, nobody ca-ares

自覺擁有一切 可似乎沒人在乎 無人在意


Yeah, in a Tiffany dress 身著一襲Tiffany連身裙

get off from 화이트 벤 (Uh) 自白色豪車驚艷出場

get off from  white ben  (Uh) 

Walk the red carpet, 밝게 터지는 flash (Yeah) 走著紅毯 閃光燈聚滿

Walk the red carpet  拜給  偷及能  flash (Yeah) 

모든 세상의 관심 수많은 fans (Huh) 萬眾矚目 無數粉絲湧來

某等  誰桑耶  關心  蘇嗎能  fans (Huh)

그래 사랑에 배가 부른 거지 愛的光輝 合該照耀我周身

可雷  撒郎欸  北嘎  不冷  勾及

매일 꿈꾸던 삶이야 這便是 每日夢寐以求的生活

每以  goom古東  撒米呀

그리고 꿈이 없어진 삶이야 而夢想不再的日子

可立勾  古米  偶搜今  撒米呀

대체 얼마나 대단한 걸 더 가져야 又還需幾何 方能收獲

dae切  or嗎那  dae大南  gore  豆  嘎就呀

행복할까 궁금한 밤이야 幸福 這一夜我欲探求

heng bo開嘎  koong苦慢  八米呀




Love and fame, it seems to be enough

得愛眷顧 聲名遠揚 似乎就已足夠

When the truth is not that beautiful

在真相沒那麽美麗之際 慰藉我心

Tears and pain are things I’ve never shown

淚水潸然 滿載苦痛 我盡數深藏在心底

No one knows, no one knows, no one knows

深藏心底 不與人知 無人知曉

They think I'm okay, think I'm okay, ayy

眾人皆以為我無恙 認為我安好





Wanna live my life like yesterday

多想一如昨日 縱享快意人生

Never feeling do-o-own


Never feeling do-o-o-own


In the clouds, just stay there every day

置身雲端 不曾跌落

Never coming do-o-own


Never coming do-o-o-own




Life has ups and downs, just realized

人生有起有落 恍然大悟

Nothing lasts forever, yeah


One day if I fall, would you smile

若有天我跌墜 你會否微笑以對

And say you’ll be there for me

安慰我說 你會在我身旁





I've been lying awake these days


Can't get away, everyone changes

無法抽身 人難免會變

Every time you smile, don't you pretend

你每一縷微笑 別去佯裝

Ask myself every night and realize things won't be the same, won't be the same

每夜反問自身 恍然發現已時過境遷 不覆從前



Love and fame, it seems to be enough

得愛眷顧 聲名遠揚 似乎就已足夠

When the truth is not that beautiful

在真相沒那麽美麗之際 慰藉我心

Tears and pain are things I’ve never shown

淚水潸然 滿載苦痛 我盡數深藏在心底

No one knows, no one knows, no one knows

深藏心底 不與人知 無人知曉

That I'm not okay, I’m not okay

其實我並非無恙 也並不安好





Wanna live my life like yesterday

多想一如昨日 縱享快意人生

Never feeling do-o-own


Never feeling do-o-o-own


In the clouds, just stay there every day

置身雲端 不曾跌落

Never coming do-o-own


Never coming do-o-o-own




Life has ups and downs, it’s alright

人生有起有落 不必介懷

Nothing lasts forever, yeah


One day I will fall, can't deny

終有一天我會跌倒 無可否認

But I know you won’t leave

但我深知 你絕不會離開





Wanna live my life like yesterday

多想一如昨日 縱享快意人生

Never feeling do-o-own


Never feeling do-o-o-own


In the clouds, just stay there every day

置身雲端 不曾跌落

Never coming do-o-own


Never coming do-o-o-own






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