That's me
(That's me, that's me, that's me)
That's me
Watch how I move, 아름다운 我的一舉一動 美麗動人
Watch how I move, 阿冷大問
잠깐 봐도 마치 slow-mo 就算只是看一眼 也像是慢動作
參乾 bwa豆 嗎七 slow-mo
Beautiful pain, 널 아프게 해 (Ouch) 幸福的傷痕 讓你痛苦不堪
Beautiful pain, nore 阿鋪給 黑 (Ouch)
믿을 수 없다고? 지켜보기나 해, okay, okay 你說難以置信?那就給我看清楚了 好不好
米的 蘇 偶大勾 及kyo bo gi那 黑 okay, okay
Oh, my God, 지켜봐 我的天 看看那邊
Oh, my God, 及gyo bwa
Lookin' hot, make 'em say, "Ooh, la, la, la"
귓가에 들리는 소문은 傳到耳邊的消息
kwi嘎欸 特立能 搜木能
She's 뭔가 달라 說她有些與眾不同
She's 盟嘎 他拉
Runway 같은 거리 위 在猶如伸展台的街道上
Runway 嘎疼 勾立 wii
내가 걸어가면 시선 집중 只要我邁步 大家的視線都集中於我
內嘎 口嘍嘎myon 西送 及中
Like they want me
뒤돌아 모두 stop 所有人都轉過身來 稍等
dwi豆拉 某度 stop
Who that girl is? Na-na-na-na
Na-na-na, na-na, oh, na-na-na
Ooh, that girl is? Na-na-na-na
Na-na-na, na-na, oh, na-na-na
(That's me, that's me, that's me)
That's Wonder Woman, so no wonder who they wanna be
Wonda who that girl? izna, izna, it's me
I'm the one, 난 날아다녀 like twenty-three 我與眾不同 我翩然飛舞 猶如噴氣式飛機
I'm the one, 南 那拉大扭 like twenty-three
더 높이, 착지한 내 spot, 여긴 꼭대기 屬於我更高的著陸點 就是這的頂峰
偷 no皮 洽及和 內 spot, 有gin 勾dae gi
어두운 밤하늘 아래 눈빛 glitter 漆黑的夜空之下 我目光熠熠
偶doon 半嗎呢 阿雷 noon比 glitter
아이 눈부셔 what I see in the mirror 如此璀璨奪目 當我望向鏡中的自己
阿以 noon不休 what I see in the mirror
느껴져 aura, you know I'm a diva 我感受到魅力四射 你知道我就是女主角
呢gyo就 aura, you know I'm a diva
머리 to 발끝까지, that girl, izna 從頭到腳 來自izna的女孩
某立 to 拜個嘎及 that girl, izna
Oh, my God, 지켜봐 我的天 看看那邊
Oh, my God, 及gyo bwa
Lookin' hot, make 'em say, "Ooh, la, la, la"
귓가에 들리는 소문은 傳到耳邊的消息
kwi嘎欸 特立能 搜木能
She's 뭔가 달라 說她有些與眾不同
She's 盟嘎 他拉
Runway 같은 거리 위 在猶如伸展台的街道上
Runway 嘎疼 勾立 wii
내가 걸어가면 시선 집중 只要我邁步 大家的視線都集中於我
內嘎 勾嘍嘎myon 西送 及中
Like they want me
뒤돌아 모두 stop 所有人都轉過身來 稍等
dwi豆拉 某度 stop
Who that girl is? Na-na-na-na
Na-na-na, na-na, oh, na-na-na
Ooh, that girl is? Na-na-na-na
Na-na-na, na-na, oh, na-na-na
(That's me, that's me, that's me)
You have no idea, they like, "Oh, my dear"
지나가던 발걸음 멈추게 해 讓曾從我身邊走過的腳步都停下來
及那嘎東 拍勾冷 盟出給 黑
고개 돌려, they say "No way" 轉過頭來 所有人都不敢置信
勾給 豆留 they say "No way"
이제 나 세상을 놀라게 해 現在 讓我震撼這個世界吧
以接 那 誰桑呃 no拉給 黑
Who that girl is? Na-na-na-na
Na-na-na, oh, na-na-na
Ooh, that girl is? Na-na-na-na
Na-na-na, na-na, oh, na-na-na
(That's mе, that's me, that's me)
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