Catching flights, not feelings
I'm not tryna hurt myself
Tryna burn myself
Catching flights, not feelings
I'm not tryna hurt myself
Tryna burn myself
모두가 잠들어 있는 night off 萬籟俱寂的悄無聲息的黑夜
某度嘎 贊的嘍 引能 night off
창문을 두드려 叩響窗戶
強木呢 度的留
깨운 목소리 將我喚醒的聲音
給woon 某搜立
하늘에 떠 있는 strange plane 飄浮在空中的非同尋常的飛機
哈呢雷 豆 引能 strange plane
내가 말하면 어디든 데려가 줄래 如果要我說 能否帶我去任何地方
內嘎 嗎拉myo no低等 tae留嘎 主雷
Hey look
Every day 넘치는 마음에 (Yeah) 情緒滿溢的內心
Every day 弄七能 嗎呃每 (Yeah)
I'm so fly, yeah, yeah, I bring it back (Yeah)
이젠 내 맘에 솔직할래 如今我的心裡要坦率表達
以間 內 慢每 sore及卡雷
I wanna get out
I wanna try
I wanna escape
Oh, I tried to warn you
이젠 내 멋대로 現在我就要放肆
以間 內 某dae嘍
Let it flow, oh
Catching flights, not feelings
I'm not tryna hurt myself
Tryna burn myself
Catching flights, not feelings
I'm not tryna hurt myself
Wanna earn it, earn it
저 구름 너머 在那雲端彼岸
秋 苦冷 no某
끝까지 내 맘을 펼쳐 將我的內心盡情地展開
個嘎及 內 嗎麼 pyol秋
I'm flying over the moon
선명해진 나의 맘이 you see? 你有看見嗎 我愈發鮮明的內心
送myong黑今 那耶 嗎米 you see?
방향키를 잡아 다시 for me 為我重新抓住方向舵
旁hyang ki了 洽八 大西 for me
Yeah, 곤두세운 감각 汗毛倒立的感覺
Yeah, 供度誰問 看嘎
엉켜있는 my life 我那糾結不順的人生
翁kyo引能 my life
Damn, it's hard 풀어 놔 fly high 艱難無比 全都放輕鬆
Damn, it's hard 鋪嘍 nwa fly high
(One, two, three)
Ex to be exact
(One, two, three)
Yeah 즐기면 돼 只管享受
Yeah 子gi myon 對
갇혀 있던 내 감정의 maze 我那被困住的感情的迷宮
嘎秋 以東 內 感冏耶 maze
I wanna get out
I wanna try
I wanna escape
Oh, I tried to warn you
이 바람을 느껴 感受這陣風
以 怕拉麼 呢gyo
Let it flow, oh
Catching flights, not feelings
I'm not tryna hurt myself
Tryna burn myself
Catching flights, not feelings
I'm not tryna hurt myself
Wanna earn it, еarn it
저 구름 너머 在那雲端彼岸
秋 苦冷 no某
끝까지 내 맘을 펼쳐 (펼쳐) 無盡地將內心展開
個嘎及 內 嗎麼 pyol秋 (pyol秋)
I'm flying over the moon
삼킬 듯한 내 그림잔 我的影子仿佛被吞噬般
三ki 的嘆 內 可林贊
저 멀리 점이 됐지 遠遠地變成了一點
秋 某立 就米 推及
두려움과 걱정은 right 內心恐懼與擔憂 好吧
度留問瓜 口冏恩 right
훌훌 다 털어 버려 全都嘩嘩抖落而出
乎乎 大 偷嘍 bo留
길 없는 지도를 펼쳐 난 我展開那張沒有路的地圖
ki 嘍能 及豆了 pyol秋 南
그저 맘이 흘러가는 곳으로 只管去往心之所向的地方
個秋 嗎米 喝嘍嘎能 勾私嘍
Flying now
Catching flights, not feelings
I'm not tryna hurt myself
Tryna burn mysеlf
Catching flights, not feelings
I'm not tryna hurt myself
Wanna earn it, earn it
긴 밤의 저편 漫漫長夜的另一邊
gin 八每 就pyon
새롭게 내 맘을 펼쳐 (펼쳐) 將我的內心全新地展開
誰嘍給 內 嗎麼 pyol秋 (pyol秋)
(날아봐 나를 펼쳐 展翅高飛 將我就此展現)
(那拉bwa 那了 pyol秋)
I'm flying over the moon
You should catch a flight
Not the feels, yuh
You should catch a flight
Not the feels, yuh
You should catch a flight
Not the feelings, uh
Not the feelings, uh
Not the feelings, yeah
Not the feelings, yeah-yeah, mmm
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