Genius English Translations - NMIXX - Fe3O4: STICK OUT (English  Translation) Lyrics and Tracklist | Genius





아무도 날 이해할 수 없대, out of control 沒人可以理解我 我失去控制

阿木豆  乃  以黑嗨  蘇  偶dae  out of control 

더 크게 키워 두근대는 엔진의 소음 聲音開得更大聲 砰砰作響的發動機噪音

偷  可給  ki我  土更dae能  engine內  搜恩

겁 없이 움켜쥔, oh, yeah, my steering wheel 無所畏懼地握緊

勾  bo西  問kyo軍  oh, yeah, my steering wheel 

날 믿고 take a seat, oh, let's go 相信我 請坐下

乃  米勾  take a seat, oh, let's go 



Crystal 같은 starlight 찾아 尋找宛如水晶般的燈光

Crystal  嘎疼  starlight  洽加

가로질러 run away 橫穿而過 匆匆逃離

卡嘍及嘍  run away 

삐딱하다 욕해 okay 罵我走偏了 

比大卡大  有k  okay 

I love it when I, when I, when I, when I





Do what I want, 날 막는 hurdle 阻攔我的障礙

Do what I want,  乃  忙能  hurdle 

전부 back, back it up, 더 높게 뛰어올라 全都退開 跳得更高

冏不  back, back it up,  偷  nope給  dwi偶偶拉

Can't stop me now, 쉼 없이 runnin', runnin' all night long 毫不停歇 整夜奮力地奔跑

Can't stop me now,  薰  偶西  runnin', runnin' all night long 

Oh, red light, but we go



Red light sign, but we go

Red light, red light, but we go

Red light sign, but we go

Red light, red light, but we go

Red light sign, but we go

Red light, red light, but we go

Red light sign, but we go

Red light, red light, but we go





Don't touch, 불보다 뜨겁지 不要碰 我比烈火更炙熱

Don't touch,  不bo大  的勾及

속도 위 feel the thrill, 너의 fear 전부 .zip 전부 .zip 在速度中感覺興奮不已 你的恐懼皆消失不見

搜豆  wii  feel the thrill,  no耶  fear  冏不  .zip  冏不  .zip 

어딘가 삐딱한 our vibe, 환영해 비난의 화살 我們在某處走偏的氛圍裡 歡迎著責難的箭矢

偶定嘎  比大看  our vibe,  幻永黑  比那內  花塞

Yeah, we are already alright, we're already alright



Canvas 같은 길을 밟아 走在如畫布般的路上

Canvas  嘎疼  ki了  拍八

반짝이는 starry way 閃閃發光的繁星之路

半加gi能  starry way 

위험하면 어때 okay 危險又如何

wii洪哈myon  偶dae  okay

I love it when I, when I, when I, when I





Do what I want, 날 막는 hurdle 阻攔我的障礙

Do what I want,  乃  忙能  hurdle 

전부 back, back it up, 더 높게 뛰어올라 全都退開 跳得更高

冏不  back, back it up,  豆  nope給  dwi偶偶拉

Can't stop me now, 쉼 없이 runnin', runnin' all night long 毫不停歇 整夜奮力地奔跑

Can't stop me now,  薰  偶西  runnin', runnin' all night long 

Oh, red light, but we go



Red light sign, but we go

Red light, red light, but we go

Red light sign, but we go

Red light, red light, but we go

Red light sign, but we go

Red light, red light, but we go

Red light sign, but we go

Red light, red light, but we go





Red light sign, but we go

(어딘가 삐딱한 our vibe 我們在某處走偏的氛圍裡)

(偶定嘎  比大看  our vibe)

Red light, red light, but we go

(환영해 비난의 화살 歡迎著責難的箭矢)

(幻nyong黑  比那內  花塞)

Red light sign, but we go (Yeah, we are already alright)

Red light, red light, but we go (We're already alright)

Red light sign, but we go

Red light, red light, but we go

(내가 정한 길엔 no doubt 在我們預定好的路上 無庸置疑)

(內嘎  冏和  gi lane  no doubt )

Red light sign, but we go

(앞이 어두워도 nonstop 縱然前途一片昏暗仍不停歇)

(阿皮  偶度我豆  nonstop)

Red light, red light, but we go

(끝까지 가 touchdown 一起走到最後 收穫成功)

(個嘎及  嘎  touchdown)




Red light sign, but we go

Red light, red light, but we go





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LAMzen 空耳

中翻來源:J ennie

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    LAMzen 空耳

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