Come on
Stormy night, cloudy sky
In the moment, you and I
One more chance
너와 나 다시 한번 만나게 讓你我能夠重逢
no哇 那 他西 和崩 慢那給
서로에게 향하게 走向彼此
搜嘍欸給 hyang哈給
My feeling's getting deeper
내 심박수를 믿어 相信我的心跳
內 心八蘇了 米豆
우리 인연은 깊어 我們緣分匪淺
五立 引nyong能 gi po
I gotta see the meaning of it
I don't know what we've done
되돌아가긴 싫어 不願回頭
推豆拉嘎gin 西嘍
もう知っている 已經知道
某 西dae 以路
Don't know what we've been sold
見つけられるよ 一定會找到
米組給 拉雷路 有
So it's sure
Golden moon, diamond stars
In a moment, you and I
Second chance, しょうがない 無可奈何
Second chance, 休嘎奈
もう少し待って 再稍等一下
某蘇勾西 嗎dae
너와 내게 향하게 為了走向你和我
no哇 內給 hyang哈給
My feeling's getting deeper
내 심박수를 믿어 相信我的心跳
內 心八蘇了 米豆
우리 인연은 깊어 我們緣分匪淺
五立 引nyong能 gi po
I gotta see the meaning of it
I don't know what we've done
되돌아가긴 싫어 不願回頭
推豆拉嘎gin 西嘍
もう知っている 已經知道
某 西dae 以路
Don't know what we've been sold
見つけられるよ 一定會找到
米組給 拉雷路 有
So it's sure
It's supernatural
It's supernatural
거짓말 안 할래 我不想說謊
口及買 藍 嗨雷
너도 말해 你也說出來
no豆 買黑
Attention we should pay
To what is coming through
We had no idea, it's crystal clear
Love is here, sitting next to you
私とあなた 我和你
哇大西 豆 阿那大
Golden moon, diamond stars
In a moment, we unite
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