
Snow Man "slow…" Music Video - YouTube






この目に映ってる 映照在這雙眼中

口no每  路  五組tae路

目の前で踊る You 在眼前舞動的你

每no買嘍  豆路  You

今日も止まらず Move 今日也不曾停下的步伐

kyo偶  某  偷嗎拉組  Move

For what


So please tell me

Where are you gonna go?

それから Why are you gonna go? 以及理由

搜雷  卡拉  Why are you gonna go? 

向き合って I'll talk to you slowly 面對面 我將會慢慢地告訴你

木ki阿dae  I'll talk to you slowly

Talk to you, yeah



鮮明に見えない yourself 你未曾明晰的自我

sen每以  你  米欸奈  yourself

懸命に触れようと 努力的觸碰

can每以  你  夫雷有五  偷

曇るガラスを Wipe out 擊碎迷濛的玻璃

哭某路  嘎拉蘇  偶  Wipe out

探す identity and pride 尋找自我與驕傲

撒嘎蘇  identity and pride

教えてくれよ Who's that guy? 告訴我啊 這是誰

偶西欸tae  哭雷  有  Who's that guy? 





Look in the mirror, slow, slow, slow it down

Look in the mirror, slow, slow, slow it down

Look in the mirror, slow, slow, slow, slow





ここまで歩いて来た 一直走到了現在

口口  嗎大  路以tae  ki他

今 振り返り Way to go, how was it? 現在回頭看 一切都很完美 你覺得呢

以嗎  夫立開立  Way to go, how was it?

近付いているのかい 是否有在靠近呢

七卡組以tae  以路  no  開

理想の自分へと 理想中的自己

立搜  no  及boon  欸  偷


So please tell me

What is it that you need?

これから What is it that you lack? 你缺失的是什麼

口雷  嘎拉  What is it that you lack? 


まだまだ I'll talk to you 還有很多 我想告訴你的

嗎大嗎大  I'll talk to you

Staring at you ちゃんと見えるまで 注視著你 直到能夠清楚看到你

Staring at you  燦豆  米欸路  嗎dae


どんな色で Reflection 反射出怎樣的色彩

東乃  以嘍  dae  Reflection

問いかけ Around and around 不停地重複提問

偷以卡k  Around and around 

曇るガラスを Wipe out 擊碎迷濛的玻璃

哭某路  嘎拉蘇  偶  Wipe out

探す identity and pride 尋找自我與驕傲

撒嘎蘇  identity and pride

教えてくれよ Who's that guy? 告訴我啊 這是誰

偶西欸tae  哭雷  有  Who's that guy? 





Look in the mirror, slow, slow, slow it down

Look in the mirror, slow, slow, slow it down

(Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?)

Look in the mirror, slow, slow, slow, slow





Don't try to hide 鏡の中に, uh 不要試圖將自己隱藏在鏡中

Don't try to hide  卡嘎米  no  那卡  你  uh 

Don't try to hide 心の奥に, yeah 不要試圖將自己隱藏在內心深處

Don't try to hide  勾口嘍  no  偶哭  你  yeah


曇るガラスを Wipe out 擊碎迷濛的玻璃

哭某路  嘎拉蘇  偶  Wipe out

探す identity and pride 尋找自我與驕傲

撒嘎蘇  identity and pride

教えてくれよ Who's that guy? 告訴我啊 這是誰

偶西欸tae  哭雷  有  Who's that guy? 





Look in the mirror, slow, slow, slow it down

(Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?)

Look in the mirror, slow, slow, slow it down

(Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?)

Look in the mirror, slow, slow, slow it down





如有錯誤或侵權歡迎留言告知 會第一時間修改或刪除
LAMzen 空耳


    Snow Man slow i DO ME 空耳
    創作者 LAMzen 的頭像

    LAMzen 空耳

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