Let's go
Yeah, I make it chewy like 껌 질겅 沒錯 對我來說 就像是在嚼泡泡糖
Yeah, I make it chewy like gum 及供
올라타 on this beat, no time to 엉기적 乘上這段節奏吧 沒時間到處瞎晃了
偶拉他 on this beat, no time to 翁gi choke
넣어 둬 겸손, when I'm on the floor 謙遜就放到一邊吧 當我站到舞台之上
no 多 gyom送 when I'm on the floor
턱이 빠져도, keep it, pop and blow 算下巴掉下來 我依舊穩定發揮 震撼全場
偷gi 八就豆 keep it, pop and blow
껌 질겅 껌 질겅 嚼著泡泡糖 嚼著泡泡糖
gum 及供 gum 及供
더 크게 키워, that volume 將音量調得更高些吧
偷 可給 ki我 that volume
터져 펑 like bubble gum 砰地一聲 如泡泡糖般炸開
偷就 碰 like bubble gum
꿈꿔 왔지 for this moment 夢寐以求吧 把握當下時光
goom果 哇及 for this moment
Started from 내 방구석 就按照我的方式開始吧
Started from 內 幫古搜
모두 run with me, 향해 더 위 所有人都隨我向上飛奔
某度 run with me, hyang黑 豆 wii
혼자 아닌 내 곁엔 my team 我可不是孤身一人 在我的身邊 是我的團隊
洪加 阿您 內 gyo ten my team
단물 빠질 일 없어 你一點甜頭都撈不到
但木 八及 立 嘍搜
I'm always on fire
Easy thing (Easy thing)
흥미 없잖아 어렵게 해, my game (해, my game) 太過無趣不是嗎 我的遊戲 玩起來可不簡單呢
亨米 偶加那 偶留給 黑 my game (黑 my game)
Go hit that 껌 질겅 嚼起泡泡糖 重磅出擊
Go hit that gum 及供
껌 질겅 (Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 嚼著泡泡糖
gum 及供 (Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
껌 질겅 嚼著泡泡糖
gum 及供
껌 질겅 (Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 嚼著泡泡糖
gum 及供 (Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
껌 질겅 嚼著泡泡糖
gum 及供
Yeah, I make it chewy like 껌 질겅 沒錯 對我來說 就像是在嚼泡泡糖
Yeah, I make it chewy like gum 及供
올라타 on this beat, no time to 엉기적 乘上這段節奏吧 沒時間到處瞎晃了
偶拉他 on this beat, no time to 翁gi choke
넣어 둬 겸손, when I'm on the floor 謙遜就放到一邊吧 當我站到舞台之上
no 多 gyom送 when I'm on the floor
턱이 빠져도, keep it, pop and blow 算下巴掉下來 我依舊穩定發揮 震撼全場
偷gi 八就豆 keep it, pop and blow
껌 질겅 껌 질겅 嚼著泡泡糖 嚼著泡泡糖
gum 及供 gum 及供
더는 not afraid 再無畏懼
偷能 not afraid
몇 번이고 쳐 봤기에 down, down, down 因為受創幾次 意志消沈
myo bo你勾 秋 bwa gi欸 down, down, down
이 바닥에 stick 在這地底苦苦掙扎
以 八大給 stick
버텨 냈고 난 go for 다음 다음 다음 我拼命挺住 再次啟程 接下來
bo tyo 內勾 南 go for 但 但 但
Every minute, second
불고 또 뱉어, banger 我會吹出泡泡 再吐出來 一首大爆曲誕生
不勾 豆 北偷 banger
귀에 착붙, this song 這首緊貼在你耳邊的歌
kwi欸 洽不 this song
못 떼어 내 마치 venom 猶如我的毒液 你根本無法取下
某 dae偶 內 嗎七 venom
Every day (Every day)
텁텁한 입을 달래 줄 my taste (줄 my taste) 我的滋味 一定能撫慰發澀的嘴
偷偷判 你不 大雷 主 my taste (主 my taste)
Go hit that 껌 질겅 嚼起泡泡糖 重磅出擊
Go hit that gum 及供
껌 질겅 (Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 嚼著泡泡糖
gum 及供 (Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
껌 질겅 嚼著泡泡糖
gum 及供
껌 질겅 (Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 嚼著泡泡糖
gum 及供 (Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
껌 질겅 嚼著泡泡糖
gum 及供
Yeah, I make it chewy like 껌 질겅 沒錯 對我來說 就像是在嚼泡泡糖
Yeah, I make it chewy like gum 及供
올라타 on this beat, no time to 엉기적 乘上這段節奏吧 沒時間到處瞎晃了
偶拉他 on this beat, no time to 翁gi choke
넣어 둬 겸손, when I'm on the floor 謙遜就放到一邊吧 當我站到舞台之上
no 多 gyom送 when I'm on the floor
턱이 빠져도, keep it, pop and blow 算下巴掉下來 我依舊穩定發揮 震撼全場
偷gi 八就豆 keep it, pop and blow
껌 질겅 껌 질겅 嚼著泡泡糖 嚼著泡泡糖
gum 及供 gum 及供
Yeah, I make it chewy like 껌 질겅 沒錯 對我來說 就像是在嚼泡泡糖
Yeah, I make it chewy like gum 及供 (Yeah)
올라타 on this beat, no time to 엉기적 乘上這段節奏吧 沒時間到處瞎晃了
偶拉他 on this beat, no time to 翁gi choke
넣어 둬 겸손, when I'm on the floor 謙遜就放到一邊吧 當我站到舞台之上
no 多 gyom送 when I'm on the floor
턱이 빠져도, keep it, pop and blow 算下巴掉下來 我依舊穩定發揮 震撼全場
偷gi 八就豆 keep it, pop and blow
껌 질겅 껌 질겅 嚼著泡泡糖 嚼著泡泡糖
gum 及供 gum 及供
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