Yeah, ooh
Something that I can't deny
처음 입을 댄 그 순간 第一次接吻的瞬間
秋恩 米不 dane 可 soon乾
온몸이 느끼는 뭔가 全身的感受
翁某米 呢gi能 盟嘎
Something that I can’t explain
하지만 너무 특별해 但是很特別
哈及慢 no木 特byol黑
눈을 감고서 집중해 閉上眼睛 集中精神
努呢 感勾搜 集中黑
몸이 떠오르는 시간 身體浮起來的時候
某米 豆偶了能 西乾
내 안에 들리는 소리만 只會聽我內心的聲音
內 阿內 的立能 搜立慢
듣고 그대로 따라갈래 (That's what you do) 要跟著我的聲音走
的勾 可dae嘍 大拉嘎雷 (That's what you do)
I'm losin’ all my senses
You're takin' me to places
And you know all that I can say is
You're killin' me, killin' me good, good, good (So good, so good)
Feelin' things I never knew that I could, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
네가 만들어주는 이 기분 (So good, so good) 你讓我感受到的情感
你嘎 慢的嘍主呢 你 gi boon (So good, so good)
십 초마다 생각이 나 내 모습에 내가 놀라 每隔十秒都會想起來 我被我自己的狀態嚇到了
西 秋嗎大 seng嘎gi 那 內 某私北 內嘎 no拉
You're killin’ me, killin’ me good
You're makin’ me feel something new, hey
You're makin' me feel so brand new
나보다 날 더 잘 아는 거야 比我更了解我
那bo大 乃 偷 洽 拉能 勾呀
Oh, you keep on making me say
"Oh, my, oh, my"
Don't stop, 두 단어만 끝없이 不停的在你耳邊
Don't stop, 土 他no慢 個豆西
네 귀에 속삭이지 竊竊私語
你 kwi欸 搜撒gi及
Take me so high
나에게 널 맡길 시간 該你託付給我的時候了
那欸給 nore 嗎ki 西乾
이제 널 위해 준비한 現在給你看
以接 nore wii黑 軍比和
날 보여줄게 너에게만 (That’s what I'll do) 為你準備的我
乃 no有主給 no耶給慢 (That’s what I'll do)
I'll let you lose your senses
And make you and go to places
Then I know all that you can say is
You're killin' me, killin' me good, good, good (So good, so good)
Feelin' things I nеver knew that I could, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
네가 만들어주는 이 기분 (So good, so good) 你讓我感受到的情感
你嘎 慢的嘍主呢 你 gi boon (So good, so good)
십 초마다 생각이 나 내 모습에 내가 놀라 每隔十秒都會想起來 我被我自己的狀態嚇到了
西 秋嗎大 seng嘎gi 那 內 某私北 內嘎 no拉
You're killin' mе, killin' me good
You're makin' me feel something new, hey
You're makin' me feel so brand new
날 솔직하게 해 讓我如實的
乃 sore及卡給 黑
모두 표현하게 돼 全部表現出來
某度 pyo hyun哈給 對
그래서 또 내 입에서 나오는 所以從我嘴裡說出來的
可雷搜 豆 內 以北搜 那偶能
넌 위험하게 달콤해 你危險而甜蜜
弄 wii厚嗎給 代空黑
그래서 난 계속 원해 所以我一直想要
可雷搜 南 給搜 won黑
I just can't help but to say
You're killin' me, killin' me good, good, good (So good, so good; Yeah, yeah)
Feelin' things I never knew that I could, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh (Ooh)
네가 만들어주는 이 기분 你讓我感受到的情感
你嘎 慢的嘍主呢 你 gi boon
(So good, so good; 你嘎 慢的嘍主呢 你 gi boon)
십 초마다 생각이 나 每隔十秒都會想起來
西 秋嗎大 seng嘎gi 那 (seng嘎gi 那)
내 모습에 내가 놀라 我被我自己的狀態嚇到了
內 某私北 內嘎 no拉 (內嘎 no拉)
You're killin' me, killin' me good
You're makin' me feel something new, hey
You're makin' me feel so brand new
You're makin' me feel something new, hey
You're makin' me feel so brand new
You're killin' me, killin' me good
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