







Kick in the door, waving the coco 直闖入門 揮舞我的香奈兒

팝콘 이나 챙겨 껴들 생각 말고 好好吃你爆米花 這沒你插手餘地

Popcorn  你  cheng gyo  gyo  seng  買勾

I talk that talk, runways I walk, walk 說話頭頭是道 稱霸了多少伸展台

 감고 pop, pop  봐도 척 一個彈指世界就能崩塌

noon  感勾  pop pop    bwa  


One by one, then two by two 逐一對付 再來成對迎擊

 손끝  하나에  무너지는 중 指尖一彈 世界生死掌握於我

  送個    卡那欸    no及能  

가짜  치곤 화려했지 這虛假排場弄得還挺華麗

卡加    七公  花留黑及

Makes no sense, you couldn't get a dollar outta me 太沒道理 你別想從我這裡估走任何一分錢


 오늘 밤이야 난 독을 품은 꽃 正是今晚 我是那綻放的毒之花

  偶呢  半米呀  南  偷  鋪門  

 혼을 빼앗은 다음 我會將你的靈魂給帶走

  厚呢  北阿森  他恩

Look what you made us do 看你都把我們逼到什麼地步

천천히  잠재울 fire (Fire) 這團火焰會直直讓你沉睡

沖沖你  nore  參接五  fire (Fire)

잔인할 만큼 아름다워 是如此美麗又殘酷無比

加你乃  慢肯  阿冷大我

I bring the pain like 我會帶給你滿滿痛苦




This that pink venom 這致命粉色毒液

This that pink venom 粉色毒液攻向你

This that pink venom 看看這美麗的粉色毒液

Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em 趕緊過來好好品嚐

Straight to ya dome like woah, woah, woah 直直侵向你 全身一絲不放過

Straight to ya dome like ah, ah, ah 粉色毒液全部都攻向你


Taste that pink venom 好好品嚐這致命粉色毒液

Taste that pink venom 粉色毒液請好好品味

Taste that pink venom 好好享受這粉色毒液

Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em 趕緊過來好好品嚐

Straight to ya dome like woah, woah, woah 直直侵向你 全身一絲不放過

Straight to ya dome like ah, ah, ah 粉色毒液全部都攻向你




Black paint and ammo, got bodies like Rambo 黑漆配彈藥 依舊帶著繭博般的狠勁

Rеst in peace, please light up a candle 祝你安息 請點燃一根蠟燭

This the life of a vandal, masked up and I'm still in CELINE 在這崩壞的世代 口罩緊戴仍是席林的寵兒

Designer crimes or it wouldn't be me, ooh 設計師犯罪不然就不會是我了

Diamonds shining, drive in silence, I don't mind it, I'm riding 鑽石閃耀 安靜開著車但我享受著

Flying private side by side with the pilot up in the sky 私人飛機飛上天 專屬司機旁伺候

And I'm wilding, styling on them and there's no chance 瘋狂展現自我 如此時尚有型誰還能打敗我

'Cause we got bodies on bodies like this a slow dance 因為我們有這美妙的身材 值得來場慢舞


 오늘 밤이야 난 독을 품은 꽃 正是今晚 我是那綻放的毒之花

  偶呢  半米呀  南  偷  鋪門  

 혼을 빼앗은 다음 我會將你的靈魂給帶走

  厚呢  北阿森  大

Look what you made us do 看你都把我們逼到什麼地步

천천히  잠재울 fire (Fire) 這團火焰會直直讓你沉睡

沖沖你  nore  參切五  fire (Fire)

잔인할 만큼 아름다워 是如此美麗又殘酷無比

洽您嗨   慢肯  嗎冷大我

I bring the pain like 我會帶給你滿滿痛苦




This that pink venom 這致命粉色毒液

This that pink venom 粉色毒液攻向你

This that pink venom 看看這美麗的粉色毒液

Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em 趕緊過來好好品嚐

Straight to ya dome like woah, woah, woah 直直侵向你 全身一絲不放過

Straight to ya dome like ah, ah, ah 粉色毒液全部都攻向你


Taste that pink venom 好好品嚐這致命粉色毒液

Taste that pink venom 粉色毒液請好好品味

Taste that pink venom 好好享受這粉色毒液

Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em 趕緊過來好好品嚐

Straight to ya dome like woah, woah, woah 直直侵向你 全身一絲不放過

Straight to ya dome like ah, ah, ah 粉色毒液全部都攻向你




원한다면 provoke us 想要的話就給我們些刺激

我南他myon  provoke us

감당 못해 and you know this 你無法掌握我們你也心知肚明

看當  tae  and you know this

이미 퍼져버린 shot that potion 注射解藥 但毒早已貫穿全身

以米  pobo  shot that potion

 눈앞은 핑크빛 ocean 映入眼簾的是片粉色汪洋

  努那噴  pink ocean


Come and give me all the smoke 過來讓我沾染全部的氣息

 아니면  like I'm so rock and roll 讓我感受這欲仙的刺激快感

  阿你myon    like I'm so rock and roll

Come and give me all the smoke 過來讓我沾染全部的氣息

  세워   stop, drop 排好隊伍 停下就是現在

大    誰我  bwa    stop  drop

I bring the pain like 我會帶給你滿滿痛苦


Brra-ta-ta-ta, brra-ta-ta-ta

Brra-ta-ta-ta, brra-ta-ta-ta

Brra-ta-ta-ta, brra-ta-ta-ta

Straight to ya, straight to ya, straight to ya dome like


Brra-ta-ta-ta, brra-ta-ta-ta (BLACKPINK)

Brra-ta-ta-ta, brra-ta-ta-ta (BLACKPINK)

Brra-ta-ta-ta, brra-ta-ta-ta (BLACKPINK)

I bring the pain like





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    LAMzen 空耳

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